Photo of Lionel Pastene Argentina
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Born on June 23, 80 in Buenos Aires Argentina


Plastic Artist

Master drawing


Sets a graduate of the School of Fine Arts Ernesto de la Cárcova (Revenue: 1998 - Exit 2001)


School of Fine Arts \"Rogelio Yrurtia\". (Graduated 1997) Title: \"National Drawing Master\" Title: \"Bachelor\"


Set in Nerja Gallery...

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See everything we offer you!
43.31 x 35.43 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
7.87 x 11.81 in
118.11 x 236.22 in
13.78 x 9.84 in
27.56 x 39.37 in
33.46 x 23.62 in

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Photo of Lionel Pastene Argentina

Born on June 23, 80 in Buenos Aires Argentina


Plastic Artist

Master drawing


Sets a graduate of the School of Fine Arts Ernesto de la Cárcova (Revenue: 1998 - Exit 2001)


School of Fine Arts \"Rogelio Yrurtia\". (Graduated 1997) Title: \"National Drawing Master\" Title: \"Bachelor\"


Set in Nerja Gallery (1997)

Foto Club Buenos Aires \"Basic Course in Photography\" (Mention) (1998)

University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism. Course of 3D Studio Max. (1999)

English course in the University Language Centre. Levels I, II, III (2003)

Computer skills.


Rogelio Yrurtia Annual Hall. 3rd. Award (1995) National Library. (1997) La Casona del Conde de Palermo. (1998) Café Tortoni. (1999) Universidad de Belgrano. Special Jury Mention. (2002) Hospital Presidente Perón in Avellaneda (2011) National Theatre Cervantes (2011)


Participation as an assistant to William de la Torre Sets in decorative scheme of the Incas subway station, line \"B\". (2001) Participation as a set designer in a short film frame by frame animation, which won a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. (2001) Participation as a filmmaker in the production of the play \'Stefano.\'\' Directed by Juan Carlos Gene, set by Guillermo de la Torre. (Teatro Cervantes, season 2002). Participation as a local filmmaker to Ambientar dedicated to the sale of leather goods. (The Shed boed, 2002). Participation, as a filmmaker in setting for a fashion show. (2002) scenery Performing at the theater-bar \"The Clak.\" (2002) scenery Making Stained Glass in the theater. Performing a set designer for the play \"The Road to Mecca\". Directed by James Doria. (Multiteatro, season 2003). Making scenery for the play \"The Anthem\". Directed by Claudio Nobody (Margarita Xirgu theater complex, season 2003). Realization and design collaboration for the musical comedy stage design \"Esquisopena\" theater ND Ateneo 2003 season. Making stained glass decorating firm TUCCI. (Year 2003). Collaboration to decorate the offices of a computer company (Inigo Technologies). Assistance scenographic the play \"Crazy\", directed by Luis Agustoni (Multiteatro, season 2004). CIE presented. Making musical backdrop for the child \"Cazurro\" (Theatre season Lorange 2004) 4 Heads Productions. Making scenery for the play \"love letters\", directed by Barney Finn (Picadilli Theatre). Performing for the play \"Going to sr.Green\" Performing for the play \"Oscar and the Lady Rose\" directed by Barney Finn. (Season Multiteatro 2007) Design of scenery for the play \"Cyrano\" the balloon group ( 2007) set design for the play \"Aurora\" the balloon group (2008) Performing for the play \"Baraka\" Metropolitan season (2008-2009) Performance for the play \"The

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